Tuesday, January 30, 2007

SFE: The Original Soundtrack

All the music PB created for my indie game, Sydney Finds Employment, is now available and uncut for your listening pleasure over at SoundClick. Kudos to PB for writing up this list of songs which will eventually be printed out as a cd envelope to be distributed as promotional offerings, gifts for friends, and whatnot.

Check eet!

PS. I totally ripped this whole news write up from the man PB himself. Read his blog, it is great.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Concept art and other stuff

I've been doing a lot of water colour drawings lately. I scanned a couple of the best for y'all to see.

The next guy is a piece of concept art for a new comic I'd like to do. You might notice that I've drawn a lot of inspiration from actor David Gulpil.

Finally, here's a piece of art I drew by hand and coloured in photoshop a long while ago. It's based on the main character from the delightfully creepy TV series 'Funland.'

Monday, January 08, 2007

Bum embraced, nice things said

Downloads of Sydney Finds Employment are currently nearing the thousand mark. Not that numbers are the most important thing to me.

It is nice, however, when people write positive things about the game.

-Adventure Gamer has a very pleasant review of the game in an underground news post. Read it here!

-Moby Games also has a decent write up about the game, with many screenshots. Check it here!

-These crazy Czech guys seem to have been following the game for a while, and despite not understanding their language, it's still worth linking to them. They've got quite a thorough set up here, screenshots, news archives and what not. Go go boots!

Thats all for now, let me know if I've missed anything.