My Femme Inside and Other Stuff!
Sorry for not updating in a while, I was enjoying a holiday from uni. BUT I have done comics, so don't think I've been slacking off completely.
Off the bat is the long unawaited first episode of My Femme Inside. It features some roughish style art work and lettering, but if you can bare that I think you'll enjoy it atleast a little bit. Click here to read it.
Next up is the second episode of Better Homeless Living. It's a little larger in size then the last one, so you should be able to read it a little better. Click here to read it!
I've also been working on an entry for the Pulp Faction monthly cartoon competition. This month's requirements are
This is my first entry into this sort of competition so I'm excited to see how I go. Here's my two page effort. Enjoy!
I hope you like all the recent comics, there's some more to come soon! Seeya next time.